It sounds like a spectacularly unserious endeavor, but Big Labor and its enablers apparently disagree. Representatives of the AFL-CIO, armed

with "Kicking Ass for the Working Class" stickers, were on hand, as was a DNC employee, a D.C. District Court administrator, a Working

America official and the man who got the National Writers Union up and going. The International Microsoft Office is so great!

Brotherhood of Teamsters not only posted

Blogger Wanted: Inquire Within signs everywhere, but also handed out free T-shirts festooned with the slogan Working Class Blogger.

During the meeting there were surreal arguments over whether the union would be strictly for political bloggers. "There are knitting bloggers Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

and nature bloggers and all kinds of bloggers and we have to include them as well, do we not?" one clearly miffed young woman asked. The man

from the Teamsters counseled inclusiveness. Perhaps sore-knuckled knitters can find a place in an international brotherhood after all. The

sky is the collectively bargained limit, even for conservatives.

"I would want to include conservative blogs because if they have to adhere to the journalistic standards the union sets..." the moderator Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.


"...they'll go out of business!" a woman finished.

Cue predictably spontaneous applause.

THE LARGE ROOM WAS ABUZZ with the collective murmur of dozens of men and women outlook 2010 is great !

repeating well-worn phrases "there's a broad scientific

consensus" and "the debate is over," varying only in tenor and tempo.

The crowd gathered for the "Online Messaging: What Works and What Doesn't Fly Online" workshop had been split into groups to compose an Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.

Action Alert based on the lessons Jeff Lucas and Dean Nielsen of Progressive Majority had just imparted. A few examples: "Personalization is project 2010

key." "It's really important to pick a fight." "It's always good to have an enemy." "There's something to be said for fear." And most

improbably, considering the convention host: "It's fairly difficult to go too far online."Office 2010 is my love.

There's something deliciously ironic about these two guys unabashedly talking in public the way the left always warns us Karl Rove does in

private. At any rate, our charge was to stir up protest via email against a Washington State school district's decision to place a moratorium

on the screening of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth in the classroom. The Kossacks tore into the Microsoft Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.

assignment with relish. "Do You Support

Banning Books?" the subject line of one potential email read, comparing An Inconvenient Truth to Huckleberry Finn and Catcher in the Rye.

"School Board Pollutes Classroom With Censorship!" screamed another headline. "Stop the Attack on Critical Thinking in Our Schools!"Acrobat 9

Then there was the content. "Every day in my classroom 30 students sit down and expect to hear the truth, but now the school board is telling

me I cannot provide it to them," a young lady read aloud to the groups. "....We cannot allow the next generation to be denied their basic adobe Acrobat

right to education!"

An outside observer cannot fail to be struck by the decline of that kind of humor in America. This universal human resource, which in the

works of James Thurber, H.L. Mencken, Nathanael West, and other great exponents enabled America to weather previous social upheavals, and Windows 7 make life wonderful!

even to accommodate the new kind of American woman, is now marginalized or disapproved. A joke in bad taste can cost you your career, as Don Microsoft Office is so great!

Imus recently discovered -- and any joke, however sophisticated, that touches on race, sex, or religion runs a serious risk of punishment. As visio 2010

a result, an eerie silence surrounds the great questions of modern American society -- a silence Office 2007 Professional bring me so much convenience.

punctuated by the hysterical outbursts of

the humorless, whenever their factitious sensitivities are provoked.

That this is an unhealthy situation surely goes without saying. More depressing, however, is its effect on ordinary morality. In the past it Office 2010 is powerful!

has been axiomatic that faults are forgiven, if followed by a clear intention to mend. This axiomOffice 2010 download is available now!

does not, it seems, apply in the world of

American censorship. One remark judged to be "racist," "sexist," "stereotyping," or Office 2010 key is for you now!

"homophobic," and you must leave the community of the

saved forever. It is the end of your prospects in any career over which the censors exert their control -- and that means any career in Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.

education or government. You can grovel as much as you wish, like Don Imus; you can perform the equivalent of King Henry II's barefoot

pilgrimage to Canterbury, and it will make no difference. One fault and you're out.Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.

And it doesn't matter if it is not a fault: Your remark may have been misunderstood, your joke may have gone unintentionally wrong, you may

have made a slip of the tongue -- you may, like the hero of Philip Roth's great novel The Human Stain, have merely used in its traditional Office 2007 is so powerful.

meaning a word that, in some novel usage, has been placed on the political index.outlook 2010 is so great!

An outside observer cannot fail to be struck by the decline of that kind of humor in America. This universal human resource, which in the

works of James Thurber, H.L. Mencken, Nathanael West, and other great exponents enabled America to weather previous social upheavals, and Windows 7 make life wonderful!

even to accommodate the new kind of American woman, is now marginalized or disapproved. A joke in bad taste can cost you your career, as Don Microsoft Office is so great!

Imus recently discovered -- and any joke, however sophisticated, that touches on race, sex, or religion runs a serious risk of punishment. As visio 2010

a result, an eerie silence surrounds the great questions of modern American society -- a silence Office 2007 Professional bring me so much convenience.

punctuated by the hysterical outbursts of

the humorless, whenever their factitious sensitivities are provoked.

That this is an unhealthy situation surely goes without saying. More depressing, however, is its effect on ordinary morality. In the past it Office 2010 is powerful!

has been axiomatic that faults are forgiven, if followed by a clear intention to mend. This axiomOffice 2010 download is available now!

does not, it seems, apply in the world of

American censorship. One remark judged to be "racist," "sexist," "stereotyping," or Office 2010 key is for you now!

"homophobic," and you must leave the community of the

saved forever. It is the end of your prospects in any career over which the censors exert their control -- and that means any career in Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.

education or government. You can grovel as much as you wish, like Don Imus; you can perform the equivalent of King Henry II's barefoot

pilgrimage to Canterbury, and it will make no difference. One fault and you're out.Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.

And it doesn't matter if it is not a fault: Your remark may have been misunderstood, your joke may have gone unintentionally wrong, you may

have made a slip of the tongue -- you may, like the hero of Philip Roth's great novel The Human Stain, have merely used in its traditional Office 2007 is so powerful.

meaning a word that, in some novel usage, has been placed on the political index.outlook 2010 is so great!



Boris's inflated ego and equally-sized bank account led him to decide that he would lead an exile movement to overthrow Vladimir Putin and

his elected Russian government. Berezovsky poured money into covert political action and aggressively sought to recruit a coup capability visio 2010

back in Russia. Barely escaping arrest himself, Litvinenko followed him to the U.K.

In Britain Litvinenko continued the Berezovsky campaign against Putin. He did the best he could to ingratiate himself with British

intelligence by giving them everything he knew about their Russian counterparts. He became a British citizen, thinking that step might Office 2010 is powerful!

protect him from Russian countermeasures.

The Putin government tried, but failed, to have both Berezovsky and Litvinenko extradited. From Moscow's standpoint the B-group was actively

seeking to undermine and eventually overthrow Russia's legitimate government. The old civil Microsoft visio 2010

service KGB Chekists were livid at this

traitorous fat cat, Berezovsky.

SIS -- as MI-6 is now known -- made it clear they would not cooperate with the Russians' desire to get their hands on the "chickens that had

fled the coop." At the same time the Brits remained eager to participate in Russia's newly found economic success. A bit of a sticky wicket, project 2010


It appears that the Russians sent a trusted former KGB 9th Directorate guards security officer -- now a successful businessman, Andrei

Lugovoi -- on Litvinenko's trail. For some reason the Russian technical intel boffins decided to use Windows 7 is convenient!

the sophisticated radiation poison,

polonium-210 to kill Berezovsky's "boy" as a lesson to Mr. B. and the rest of his crowd. The operation succeeds, Litvinenko dies and the

Brits go ballistic. "Send back Lugovoi so we can interrogate him," demands the British Foreign microsoft project 2010


"No way," replies the Russian justice system. "Our constitution doesn't allow such things." The British are so mad they declare four Russian

embassy intelligence officers persona non grata. Moscow responds equally but adds the fact that they'll no longer cooperate on counter-Microsoft outlook is convenient!

terrorism matters. Escalation time!

Now here's where those intelligence guidelines come in again. Knocking off targets in an otherwise friendly country is bad -- not because Microsoft outlook 2010 is powerful.

assassination for political purpose is bad -- but it usually leads to a situation far worse that the original reason for the hit.Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

Apparently the Russians don't care. They think they taught a lesson that will pay off in the long term. Anyhow it makes them look tough to Outlook 2010 is powerful.

their public and the rest of the world. Nasty stuff!

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford have largely conservative support (a few say they are moderates).

Regardless, why have both signed deals with an environmental advocacy group to administer their respective states' programs to confront Microsoft Office is so great!

global warming?

The two Republican executives have followed the example of more liberal governors by inviting the nonprofit Center for Climate Strategies to

advise their climate change action groups. The states' respective panels consist of dozens of "stakeholders" who will consider greenhouse

gas-reducing measures. The groups will approve most of those action items, then pass them on to outlook 2010 is great !

state lawmakers while environmentalists' hope

that the recommendations turn into laws.

The stakeholder group consists of a governor-appointed collection of special interests. Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

Businessmen are chosen to rubberstamp a series of

mitigation options on carbon dioxide emissions, and they participate in order to limit the damage done to their own economic concerns. The

rest of the panel is filled with global warming believers who want constraints on freedom like smart growth, higher fuel taxes, and Office 2010 is my love.

diminished fossil fuel use. CCS, created by an advocacy group called the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, does all the panel's heavy

lifting by: providing technical analysis; setting rules for voting and meetings; creating all the panel's records and posting them on the Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

Web; and most importantly, supplying the list of CO2-reducing measures for consideration in the first place.

What could be easier for a poorly informed stakeholder? You don't have to produce any ideas about emissions reductions because CCS does it

for you. You don't have to know anything about the CO2-cutting options because CCS tells you all you need to know. You don't have to write

any reports or research anything -- CCS does it. You don't have to inform anybody about what Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.

you're doing -- whether it's the media, the

public, or government officials -- because if those groups are even aware of you, they are more ignorant than you are. You don't even have to

show up and vote, because the CCS rules don't require it. And when you do vote, you don't have to approve of an option and then explain later Acrobat 9

why you did something that cost energy consumers millions of dollars. Instead each option is already considered approved, because that's the

way CCS arranges the process. You just need to know enough that if it smells bad, you can just Microsoft Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.

say you don't like it, and CCS will either

change it -- or if they really have to, eliminate it. But that rarely happens.

As for the governor who hires CCS, it's even easier. You get to pander to environmentalists while appeasing all the constituent parties who project 2010

might object to government infringement on their energy usage. You make utility companies and pliable industry leaders part of the

stakeholder group and then they can't come back and complain about the costly, burdensome regulations later. And for Republicans like

Pawlenty and Sanford, they temporarily avoid the anti-environment, pro-industry label that the critical media usually reserves for the likes adobe Acrobat

of them.

Re: John Tabin's Doubting Baghdad Thomas : /p>

This sounds a lot like somebody dusted off the hit pieces written during the Vietnam war by the John-Kerryesque types to discredit the troops

serving there. It plays only to the DailyKosite mentality that all American military personnel are Office 2007 makes life great!

someplace between Neanderthals and Cro-

Magnon man in the evolutionary order.

I've talked with a number of troops who have been and come back, and some over there now, and this really smells of the Left running recycled Many people like Microsoft Office.

hit pieces to fire up their base to "support the troops" (e.g. "they're too stupid to know any better") and "bring them home now."

The only demeaning term that seems to be in use is "Haji" (i.e. one who has been on a Hajj to Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.

Mecca) for the true believers who want to see

us out or more commonly Iraqis in general. Pretty tame stuff compared to "gook," "dink," "zip" and some of the less printworthy terms used in Microsoft Office 2007 is welcomed by the whole world.


What the Left will NEVER admit is that our troops in many cases are brighter than they are, better trained and thanks to Liberal largesse Office 2007 download is in discount now!

more considerate of the ramifications of their actions. We still fight for the most part with the gloves on, and the regular forces are

extremely well disciplined (Abu Ghraib was an anomaly, not the norm, and most of the culprits were not regular Army soldiers.)The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.

p>Par for the course. br> -- Cookie Sewell br> (Vietnam Vet -- 1970-71) br> Democratic Peoples Republic of Maryland

Apparently Stephen Glass has resurfaced, and is up to his old tricks at the New Republic.Office 2007 key is available here.

p>You'd think that a magazine that was so publicly humiliated for false and shoddy journalism would know better. Then again, shame is not an

emotion that resonates with the left. br> -- Gavin Valle br> Peapack, New Jersey /p> p> JUST WAIT AMENDMENT br> Re: Jennifer Rubin's Fred and

the First Amendment : /p>

Jennifer conveniently and entirely omits mention of the report that claims no First Amendment freedoms were infringed upon. (I thought about

providing the link but, what for, this is obviously a hit piece.)Office 2007 Professional is very good!

She also glazes over the fact that Romney's entire political life is a flip-flop and no amount of "explaining" could hope to excuse his

sociopathic lying, especially when he blatantly reinvents his positions on such subjects as the Second Amendment.

Mike Dooley /p> p> Lutherans especially should be familiar with Protestantism's founder and his Bible 1545 translation (

which has a revolutionary (for today) translation of Leviticus 18:22 -- the only Bible verse that could be used to condemn homosexuality. He Microsoft outlook is many people’s favorite.

translated it as "Man shall not lie with a BOY as with a woman." Obviously, this condemns pederasty, not loving relationships between

consenting adults. Jesus defines sin as lack of love. What is unloving about homosexuality? br> -- Fred Conwell /p>

Martin Luther, based on his belief in sola scriptura, would not have endorsed homosexual marriage or gay rights. The Bible identifies

homosexuality as a sin. In love Luther would "speak truth to power" and condemn the gay rights movement and those championing it as promoting

sin. While post-modernist thinkers may believe traditional values and ideas on "lifestyle" and "orientation" are no longer valid those who

recognize the immutable nature of God's word understand that fallen humanity is in need of Christ's grace and salvation more than 21st Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

century moral pabulum.

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The enemy will in the bomb border price they buy a refrigerator. At the same time this wall will bring angry

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On February 13, 2002. Sen. Russ feingold of military forces and the war on terror. The situation of Aisha Ikramuddin in hiding our food bombs... most

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p>I'm married to an opera singer now, so my copy of "Never Mind The Bollocks" is no longer in heavy rotation. Still, I pull out the old

cassette every so often, when my wife is away and the house is quiet, and I think, "Take that, hippies!" br> -- Andrew Batten br> Melbourne,

Florida /p> p> HEARINGS THAT FOREVER ECHO br> Re: Jeremy Lott's Thomas-Hill Revisited : /p>

Jeremy Lott, you have brought back in vivid detail all my thoughts and feelings that October Saturday when I watched the Senate Judiciary

Committee hearings. If I were to trace my conversion to true-blue conservative, it would be that day as I watched those degenerate Senators

as they beat up on a black man for his beliefs. From that day, Clarence Thomas has been one of my heroes.

p>Thank you, Justice Thomas, we all owe you a great debt of gratitude.

 Judy Beumler br> Louisville, Kentucky /p> p> THE BOY REGENT br> Re: George H. Wittman's Bill Clinton, World Regent : /p>

Bill Clinton justly deserves the appellation Governor of the United States. Contrary to his uncontrollable large appetites and ego, he

governed small; with a risk averse tenure that included the underwhelming and fallacious 100,000 cops on the street, and wiring schools to

the internet. Such vision surely warrants consideration for Mt. Rushmore. Oh wait, I forgot, he sucked up to the terrorist-in-chief, Yasser

Arafat, in hopes of a Nobel Prize, my bad.

p>When not shamelessly plagiarizing from the Contract with America;" the era of big government is over," he cowed to the emerging threat of

radical Islam. What World Trade Center? Best call it a criminal act, rather than an act of war, after all, wars are messy and can do great

damage to one's legacy. So as he preens around the world with his grandiose, talk is cheap "Global Initiative," the rest of us can only

wonder why his exploits in the Oval Office were so less than global. br> -- A. DiPentima /p>

As America's greatest President said, "There they go again." Awash in a sea of irrelevance and suffering from an inferiority complex bigger

than his wife's ambitions, Bill Clinton has been compelled to stage an event to advertise his "significance." One wonders if like America's

worst President, Jimmy Carter the midwife of today's Islamic imperialism, Clinton we'll be out on the huckstings praising Muslim terrorists,

making nuclear deals with megalomaniacal dictators and endorsing Latin American despot's to burnish his trivial legacy? Reality tells me no

matter how undignified Clinton must become, he'll continue trying to rewrite the history of his failed Presidency (in two Presidential

elections he never garnered a majority of the popular vote) to event the elusive legacy his shallow ego demands. Why isn't he content with a

stained blue dress, impeachment and 9/11? How big or small is his "ego"?

What's he compensating for?

p>Hopefully, his less than personable and churlish wife will win the Democrat nomination and lead the Copperheads to ruin. Then, just maybe

his media sycophants and aging liberal groupies will bury the overblown Clinton mystique in the sewers of history. br> -- Michael Tomlinson

br> Jacksonville, North Carolina /p>

This essay crystallizes all the we know about King Bubba the First.

Last week, we learned that the Department of Justice wants the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) to continue

receiving taxpayer dollars in spite of ongoing criminal investigations into widespread fraud and other illegal activities on the part of

ACORN officers and employees. Somehow the Department of Justice missed the fact that Congress overwhelmingly passed -- and the President

signed -- unambiguous legislation to strip ACORN of its funding.

Almost as soon as Congress acted to defund ACORN, the whining of the liberal establishment commenced. ACORN helped poor people, we were told.

ACORN's services were needed by tens of thousands of unemployed families facing immediate home foreclosure and job loss. ACORN was the

lifeline for neighborhood assistance, political empowerment, and community stabilization for untold numbers of disaffected, disenfranchised,

and downtrodden people.

But has ACORN really carved out a monopoly on assisting the poor, registering voters, and empowering the powerless? Do poor Americans have

nowhere else to turn but a nationwide syndicate of criminal miscreants, prostitution consultants, and bogus voter registrants masquerading as

community organizers?

Of course not, and the facts bear this out.

Defunding ACORN does not create a void in services available to homeowners in need of counseling and other support. ACORN Housing's mortgage

counseling, assistance, and community development programs are duplicative of those offered by dozens of other highly rated national


In fact, Charity Navigator, the nation's largest and most-utilized evaluator of charities, ranks 57 housing and community development

charities across 26 states as exceptional, thus earning them a four-star rating for outperforming most other charities in their cause. An

additional 42 housing and community development charities across 19 states and the District of Columbia have received a three-star rating.

None of these agencies, by the way, have demonstrated a tendency for criminal misconduct.

Among those rated highly by Charity Navigator is the United Way, whose Financial Stability Partnership was created to provide financial

education and counseling support to help lower-income individuals and families achieve the skills necessary to become financially

independent, maximize income, build savings, and gain assets.

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