It sounds like a spectacularly unserious endeavor, but Big Labor and its enablers apparently disagree. Representatives of the AFL-CIO, armed

with "Kicking Ass for the Working Class" stickers, were on hand, as was a DNC employee, a D.C. District Court administrator, a Working

America official and the man who got the National Writers Union up and going. The International Microsoft Office is so great!

Brotherhood of Teamsters not only posted

Blogger Wanted: Inquire Within signs everywhere, but also handed out free T-shirts festooned with the slogan Working Class Blogger.

During the meeting there were surreal arguments over whether the union would be strictly for political bloggers. "There are knitting bloggers Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

and nature bloggers and all kinds of bloggers and we have to include them as well, do we not?" one clearly miffed young woman asked. The man

from the Teamsters counseled inclusiveness. Perhaps sore-knuckled knitters can find a place in an international brotherhood after all. The

sky is the collectively bargained limit, even for conservatives.

"I would want to include conservative blogs because if they have to adhere to the journalistic standards the union sets..." the moderator Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.


"...they'll go out of business!" a woman finished.

Cue predictably spontaneous applause.

THE LARGE ROOM WAS ABUZZ with the collective murmur of dozens of men and women outlook 2010 is great !

repeating well-worn phrases "there's a broad scientific

consensus" and "the debate is over," varying only in tenor and tempo.

The crowd gathered for the "Online Messaging: What Works and What Doesn't Fly Online" workshop had been split into groups to compose an Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.

Action Alert based on the lessons Jeff Lucas and Dean Nielsen of Progressive Majority had just imparted. A few examples: "Personalization is project 2010

key." "It's really important to pick a fight." "It's always good to have an enemy." "There's something to be said for fear." And most

improbably, considering the convention host: "It's fairly difficult to go too far online."Office 2010 is my love.

There's something deliciously ironic about these two guys unabashedly talking in public the way the left always warns us Karl Rove does in

private. At any rate, our charge was to stir up protest via email against a Washington State school district's decision to place a moratorium

on the screening of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth in the classroom. The Kossacks tore into the Microsoft Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.

assignment with relish. "Do You Support

Banning Books?" the subject line of one potential email read, comparing An Inconvenient Truth to Huckleberry Finn and Catcher in the Rye.

"School Board Pollutes Classroom With Censorship!" screamed another headline. "Stop the Attack on Critical Thinking in Our Schools!"Acrobat 9

Then there was the content. "Every day in my classroom 30 students sit down and expect to hear the truth, but now the school board is telling

me I cannot provide it to them," a young lady read aloud to the groups. "....We cannot allow the next generation to be denied their basic adobe Acrobat

right to education!"

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