Boris's inflated ego and equally-sized bank account led him to decide that he would lead an exile movement to overthrow Vladimir Putin and

his elected Russian government. Berezovsky poured money into covert political action and aggressively sought to recruit a coup capability visio 2010

back in Russia. Barely escaping arrest himself, Litvinenko followed him to the U.K.

In Britain Litvinenko continued the Berezovsky campaign against Putin. He did the best he could to ingratiate himself with British

intelligence by giving them everything he knew about their Russian counterparts. He became a British citizen, thinking that step might Office 2010 is powerful!

protect him from Russian countermeasures.

The Putin government tried, but failed, to have both Berezovsky and Litvinenko extradited. From Moscow's standpoint the B-group was actively

seeking to undermine and eventually overthrow Russia's legitimate government. The old civil Microsoft visio 2010

service KGB Chekists were livid at this

traitorous fat cat, Berezovsky.

SIS -- as MI-6 is now known -- made it clear they would not cooperate with the Russians' desire to get their hands on the "chickens that had

fled the coop." At the same time the Brits remained eager to participate in Russia's newly found economic success. A bit of a sticky wicket, project 2010


It appears that the Russians sent a trusted former KGB 9th Directorate guards security officer -- now a successful businessman, Andrei

Lugovoi -- on Litvinenko's trail. For some reason the Russian technical intel boffins decided to use Windows 7 is convenient!

the sophisticated radiation poison,

polonium-210 to kill Berezovsky's "boy" as a lesson to Mr. B. and the rest of his crowd. The operation succeeds, Litvinenko dies and the

Brits go ballistic. "Send back Lugovoi so we can interrogate him," demands the British Foreign microsoft project 2010


"No way," replies the Russian justice system. "Our constitution doesn't allow such things." The British are so mad they declare four Russian

embassy intelligence officers persona non grata. Moscow responds equally but adds the fact that they'll no longer cooperate on counter-Microsoft outlook is convenient!

terrorism matters. Escalation time!

Now here's where those intelligence guidelines come in again. Knocking off targets in an otherwise friendly country is bad -- not because Microsoft outlook 2010 is powerful.

assassination for political purpose is bad -- but it usually leads to a situation far worse that the original reason for the hit.Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

Apparently the Russians don't care. They think they taught a lesson that will pay off in the long term. Anyhow it makes them look tough to Outlook 2010 is powerful.

their public and the rest of the world. Nasty stuff!

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    December 2010



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