Kerry Yellow<1>


This article appeared in the May 2006 issue of The American Spectator. To subscribe, click here.

A YEAR AND A HALF AFTER HE LOST the 2004 presidential election, John Kerry can't get enough of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. No matter

the occasion, he doesn't miss an opportunity to parade his campaign wounds, however incoherently and obsessively.Office 2010 is powerful!

Supporting an Iraqi war vet running as a Democrat for Henry Hyde's congressional seat? "I know something firsthand about the Swift Boat-style

Republican attack ads of the last election -- but you don't have to take my word for it," Senator Kerry wrote in a March fundraising e-mail,

on behalf of Tammy Duckworth, an amputee whom no one has criticized. "Just ask John McCain. visio 2010

Ask Max Cleland. Ask Jack Murtha." His futile,

foreign-based filibuster attempt of Sam Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court? Why, John Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

Kerry and his friends "will never surrender" to

"Swift Boat-style attacks against Democratic candidates." Asked if he's accepted campaign contributions from Abramoff affiliates? "That's

another one of their 'Swift Boat'-style tactics where they try to throw up the mud and stick it." project 2010

Since last November, Kerry has dredged up

the Swifties in eight separate fundraising appeals.

One might assume that John Kerry would want to forget the Swift Boat controversy. After all, it Microsoft visio 2010

effectively voided any military service

advantage he might have had over President Bush and weakened his credibility on current military issues. Then again, if it was delusional of Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

him to run as a war hero in the first place, admitting to such a gross political miscalculation would end his presidential ambitions once and

for all.

While Kerry may be motivated by personal pique, the Swiftie mania is widespread among Democrats. "Swiftboat" has become a verb, shorthand microsoft project 2010

among the left for an unfair smear. The Bush administration is "Swiftboating their enemies at home and torturing them abroad," claimed Mother

Jones. Rather bizarrely, the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party attacked conservative political ads that use veterans and surviving kin Windows 7 is convenient!

of fallen soldiers as "a kind of 'swiftboating.'" Chris Matthews asked Ohio congressional candidate Paul Hackett if his Iraq military service

meant Republicans wouldn't "swift boat" him. (In the end, it was Hackett's own party that smeared him out of a Senate race.)Microsoft outlook is convenient!

The term also works as an adjective, as Hillary Clinton demonstrated in a fundraising letter of her own in March. "Already the Republican Office 2010 is my favorite.

Party is airing misleading attack ads in key swing states where they hope to pursue their 'swift boat' tactics to obscure their record of Microsoft outlook 2010 is powerful.

failure," her letter said. The term is so commonplace that no explanation is offered; the audience is expected to understand that it means

political foul play.Outlook 2010 is powerful.

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